Jessica Mathews /

New legislation has been introduced that would crack down on vehicles that have been intentionally modified to create excessive noise.

State Representative Natalie Price recently introduced House Bill 5696.

As the weather warms up, the issue is particularly prevalent along Woodward Avenue in Oakland County communities.

Closer to home, excessive noise issues have been raised at a couple of Howell City Council meetings – as well as speeding but enforcement is said to be extremely difficult. City Manager Erv Suida provided an update at last week’s meeting. He said they are working with the Police Department to come up with a plan to see what, if anything, can be done about the road noise - noting it is a difficult issue but still “on our radar”.

The bill would ensure that police officers have the authority to stop vehicles for excessive noise and increase penalties for related infractions.

Price, a Berkley Democrat, said “Day and night, Woodward is often used as a racetrack by drivers who have modified their vehicle’s exhaust systems with boosters that amplify their noise and often sound like gunshots. The effect is deafening noise and a seriously eroded quality of life for residents and businesses in the surrounding neighborhoods. We need to clamp down on this purposefully disruptive behavior with a targeted approach”.
The bill increases fines and penalties not only for those who alter a vehicle’s exhaust system to increase noise production but also drivers of those vehicles. It would allow law enforcement to impound or tow the vehicles of repeat offenders.

The bill provides grace for first-time offenders, vehicles experiencing disrepair, and those who can demonstrate compliance with the Motor Vehicle Act before their ticketed court date.

Birmingham Police Chief Scott Grewe said “We’re well aware of the issue of modified vehicles and drag racing on our roads. Existing law limits what we can do about it, and unfortunately, the current $100-per-offense civil infractions do not seem to deter this behavior. With higher penalties for those intentionally seeking to disturb the peace, this bill will hopefully disincentivize vehicle modification and offer us more tools to deal with those who continue doing so.”

Democratic State Senator Mallory McMorrow of Royal Oak said “While cruising on Woodward is a treasured tradition, the ear-splitting noise from new aftermarket exhausts on cars and bikes which run as loud as possible every day from the first warm day of the year until the first frost and late into each evening has made living along this historic corridor a nightmare for many residents. Noise pollution at this volume is proven to have highly negative impacts on health — noise which disrupts sleep, wakes babies, shakes houses and even sounds like gunfire. Due to gaps in our current laws and because Woodward Avenue is a state highway, our local law enforcement departments have been unable to enact and enforce reasonable noise ordinances in the best interest of their residents. I’m grateful for Rep. Price’s work to finally bring a solution forward and encourage others to support”.

Constituents have consistently cited noise on Woodward Ave. as a significant concern, including Alyssa Marsack. She said “My neighbor came over earlier tonight and was truly concerned it was gunshots not cars backfiring. My dog has been scared several times just today and ran inside as she tried to enjoy her backyard. My neighbor with a young child has been kept up until 2 a.m. due to the noise on a weekday. I have had to close my windows and use the AC when I don’t want to just to keep the noise level down so I can sleep”.

HB 5696 has been referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Facebook Photo: Woodward Dream Cruise