Deadline Approaching For Brighton Rotary Scholarships
April 1, 2018
The Rotary Club of Brighton is offering graduating seniors a chance to earn some scholarship money for college, but the deadline to apply is approaching.
Established in 1989 to honor the memory of veterinarian Thomas Anderson and dentist Donald McGregor, the Brighton Rotary Anderson-McGregor Scholarship recognizes graduates or graduating seniors of Brighton Area Schools with scholarship awards to aid in financing their education. Both long-time Rotarians, club officials say Anderson and McGregor were very active in the community, dedicated professionals, and sincerely believed in the value of education.
A minimum of two $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to a 2018 graduating senior from within the Brighton Area School District boundaries. Applicants must be accepted into and attend an approved Michigan school or institute of higher learning. Applicant selection will place emphasis on personal and scholastic achievement, financial need and personal qualities. Applications are due to the Brighton High School Counseling Office by 2:30 pm on Wednesday, April 4th. You’ll find a copy of the application through the link below. (JK)