By Mike Kruzman /

A Brighton business-owner shared some Easter cheer using flowers that a local big box store has been prevented from selling.

Last week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s extension to the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order directed the closing of plant nurseries, landscaping and home improvement sections of many businesses, deeming them non-essential.

Upon hearing this news, Herb Hoffman, who runs an advertising firm in Brighton, says he contacted the Green Oak Township Costco to see what was going to happen to their indoor plants and flowers. He told WHMI that he offered to take them to keep them from being thrown in a dumpster. Hoffman said he knew of some senior citizens, churches, and retirements homes who he believed would be happy to receive some springtime flowers.

Hoffman said there were about 40-50 Easter lilies and other indoor plants that Costco management let him take. He delivered a batch to some senior citizens he knows in Williamston, where he lives, and then another 8-10 to a local church. On Saturday, Hoffman says he picked up the rest and dropped them off at WellBridge of Brighton off of Dorr Road in Genoa Township.

He said the flowers that came from Costco are beautiful and the Easter lilies were big and bountiful, with everyone being more than happy and appreciative for the gift. Hoffman says he now wants to call the Okemos Costco and see what the plans for their nursery flowers are, to see if they’d like him to do the same.

Photos courtesy of Costco Facebook page