By Jessica Mathews /

The Howell City Council has approved vacating a portion of a platted street, which was needed in order for the City to sell developable lots created out of the old Barnard Center property.

The City-owned property at 415 North Barnard Street houses the former Northeast Elementary School and Barnard Center. It’s abandoned and the property is in a bad state of disrepair. Council earlier hired a contractor to demolish the old school building and an outbuilding from the property, in order to eventually make development-ready, buildable lots the City can sell. The old school building sits on property in a plat that includes Athletic Street.

During a survey of the property, it was discovered that the entirely of the street had not been vacated – which needs to happen for future construction to occur. At Monday’s virtual City Council meeting, a resolution was approved to vacate the westerly 105.3 feet of the undeveloped Athletic Street adjacent to Barnard Street.

Meanwhile, City Manager Paul DeBuff provided an update to Council on the demolition process. Notices have been sent out to residences in the area and surrounding streets. DeBuff said the City has received several calls and people were pretty happy the work is happening. He noted the contractor is currently working on asbestos removal mitigation. The City is in the process of scheduling utility shut-offs and those dates should be known soon. DeBuff said the exterior demolitions will be pending those disconnects shortly in the future.

A memo stated that consistent with street vacation procedures in Michigan; the City will retain ownership of the vacated property as it owns property on both sides of the street right-of-way. The vacated land will be incorporated into the future development lots that will be created.