April O'Neil / news@WHMI.com

The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) urges drivers to use caution while traveling on gravel roads, as exceptionally wet conditions continue in the area.

According to the National Weather Service, January 2024 broke a 1932 record for being the wettest month in history in the Detroit region.

Due to continued weather changes, melting snow, and flooded waterways, about 750 miles of gravel roads in Oakland County have become "challenging" as described in a social media post by the RCOC.

With little to no frost on the ground and temperatures above freezing, the RCOC says some areas of gravel roadways have become saturated and unstable.

To help with driving conditions, crews gave special attention to gravel and dirt roads this past week, adding gravel and extra material where possible. Spot grading is also underway, as “full grading of a gravel road will create an oatmeal-like surface.”

Drivers are reminded to take it slow on gravel roads, use caution near potholes, and to additional room for plows and salt trucks. Within subdivision roads, drivers are advised to move their cars to make room for road crews.

More information can be found at the provided link.