Jessica Mathews /

Nominations are being sought for Livingston County’s 2024 Champion for Children.

LACASA Center’s Child Abuse Prevention or CAP Council and Great Start Livingston invite community members to nominate someone who makes a difference in the life of a child to be recognized as a local “Champion for Children”.

As a part of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April, the organizations want to celebrate those who go above and beyond to help children, and whose positive impact is reflected in the lives of the children and families around them.

LACASA’s Director of Family Prevention and Education Holly Naylor said they are making a few changes this year to the presentation. She said “Every year we receive amazing nominations that show there are no limits to the ways to support children. We want to recognize more than one person each year as a testament to the many ways our community is active in lifting up children and families.”

Great Start Livingston Coordinator Robin Schutz said the program offers a meaningful opportunity for community members to recognize local heroes who exceed expectations and genuinely care for youth. She says they invite caring citizens to nominate outstanding individuals who devote themselves to improving children's lives.”

Once nominations are submitted, a selection committee of community members will review the nominees and choose this year's award recipients.

Naylor commented further “Child abuse prevention is so much more than just identifying and protecting kids in abusive homes. Being a stable, encouraging adult for a child experiencing turmoil, dropping off groceries to a family in need, and reaching out to parents who are struggling are all prevention efforts that can make a huge impact on a child’s life but often go unrecognized. The CAP Council and Great Start Livingston invite you to shine a light on the people you know who support and strengthen children and families so that we can all thank them for their dedication.”

The 2024 Champion for Children winners will be recognized at the Plant a Pinwheel Celebration at noon on Wednesday, April 3rd at the Howell Carnegie Library. This year, the nominators of the selected Champions for Children will be invited to attend the celebration and take part in honoring the nominee.

Schutz added “This special moment will empower the nominator to share firsthand how their champion has impacted children's lives. The presentation enables them to convey powerful stories which elevate the honoree's inspirational work. We look forward to this recognition of the nominators and the Champion for Children recipients”.

LACASA’s CAP Council and Great Start Livingston strongly encourage anyone submitting a nomination to make sure April 3rd is cleared on their calendars in anticipation of attending the event. Nominators will receive advance notification that their nominee was chosen as an award recipient.

Nomination forms can be submitted to the CAP Council at or call (517) 548-1350 for more information. A form is attached.

Nominations will be accepted through Monday, March 18th.