Jessica Mathews /

20-year-old wooden guardrails adjacent to bike paths in Genoa Township are getting replaced.

The existing guardrails/handrails are adjacent to the Brighton Road and Bauer Road bike paths. Over the past few years, the Township has replaced the boardwalks associated with the same pathways with a Trex composite material to improve safety and longevity. Among those is one across the road from Brighton High School.

The Genoa Township Board met recently and approved the work at a cost of $26,000, which included a contingency due to the age of the existing railings and bike paths.

The old wooden rails will be removed and replaced with a trex composite material that will match the appearance, safety and durability of the boardwalk railings.

Supervisor Bill Rogers told WHMI the rails are really old. After renovating the boardwalk by the high school, he says they started analyzing others and budgeting for the work.

Rogers said the goal is to hopefully have the work done sometime this season.

The proposals were submitted by Tyler Young with Spruce Homes and Hardscapes. A township memo stated that Young performed the boardwalk work and is proven to be “responsive, hardworking, honest and fair priced”.