Tom Tolen /

Some 50 Brighton High School DECA Club members brought home 23 medals, and had 9 State Finalists and 3 State Champions at the DECA Michigan Career Development Conference. The event was held at Huntington Place in Detroit this past weekend.

The statewide winners from Brighton were in Principles of Marketing and Marketing Management Team. In addition, Brighton also had nine state finalists.

DECA Brighton co-advisers Tanya Clark and Michelle Costa say the three state champions and one Leadership Academy qualifier from Brighton will represent Michigan DECA at Internationals.

The event, called the DECA International Career Development Conference, will be held April 26-May 1 in Anaheim, California. Costa and Clark say the students’ achievement at the state level “highlights Brighton DECA’s commitment to excellence and leadership.”

DECA, which formerly stood for Distributive Education Clubs of America, is a non-profit organization with 175,000 members around the world that prepares high school and college students for careers in marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and management.