City Of Howell Receives Another “Unqualified” Opinion On Audit
October 14, 2017

Another favorable audit is on the books for the City of Howell.
The City received an “unqualified” opinion, indicating the statements fairly present the financial position of the City’s activities. The general fund ended the year with a fund balance of $2.1 (m) million, which is the same as projected. A mandate from the state required auditors to do a compliance of Act 51 funds involving major and local streets. It was concluded the City expended funds in compliance with the Act in all material respects.
City Council and City Manager Shea Charles gave many compliments to staff and management prior to accepting the audit report for the fiscal year that ended June 30th. Charles says the City has had clean audits for the last several years, and has also received excellence in financial reporting awards. He gave kudos to all of the finance staff and especially Finance Director/Treasurer Catherine Stanislawski, saying she’s done an amazing job over the years and he couldn’t be prouder.
During the audit presentation to City Council, Mark Kettner from the Rehmann Robson firm commended the City for the timely filing of the report, saying it was very early when compared to other municipalities. (JM)