The City of Brighton is participating in a new, free recycling program for residents that helps fill gaps with items currently not accepted but also don’t belong in landfills.

All residents currently receiving municipal trash and recycling services will have access to the new curbside pickup and will be mailed their first set of orange bags.
Residents put the bags out on their normal trash day and the company will pick it up and provide replacement bags at that time. The program does not cost the city anything nor is there any work involved for staff.

Brighton Communications and Community Engagement Assistant Lydia Macklin-Camel tells WHMI the Simple Recycling program is complimentary to current services and offers residents an opportunity to recycle textiles and other items not currently accepted such as small household items.

She says Michigan has one of the lowest recycling rates in the nation so the state has set some pretty high goals to increase that rate, and this program is one way the city is contributing toward making a difference. The program is also not intended to be a supplement to donations. Macklin-Camel says the city encourages residents to continue to donate unwanted clothes or items that could still be used to local charities and non-profits.

The City of Howell was the first Livingston County community to participate in the program. Several municipalities that currently work with the company have all been pleased with the service. Among others locally include South Lyon, Milford Township, Milford Village and Wixom.

Complete information about the new program, which starts the week of December 4th, is available on the City of Brighton website. The link is provided. (JM)