Salvation Army Seeks Volunteer Bell Ringers & Donors
November 30, 2017
The Salvation Army of Livingston County is calling all donors and challenging bell ringers this weekend and next.
All donations dropped into red kettles at the Howell Walmart store on Grand River from 1 to 3pm this Saturday will be matched, thanks to a donation from a Howell business.
Then next weekend, the Salvation Army is calling on the community to help them accomplish something never done before - fill every red kettle location, all day long with 100% volunteer bell ringers. Officials say every year, the local Corps depends on paid bell ringers to help fill gaps and ensure that all kettles are manned. However, for next Saturday, they are issuing a community challenge to help fill those locations. Anyone interested in volunteering is asked to visit, enter your zip code and choose Saturday, December 9th. That link is provided. (JM)