FERC Affirms Denial of Blanket Construction Certificate For Rover Pipeline
December 9, 2017

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is standing by its decision to deny a pipeline company’s request for a blanket construction certificate.
In February, FERC issued a certificate authorizing Rover Pipeline LLC, to construct and operate approximately 510 miles of new pipeline and related facilities from the Appalachian supply area to an interconnection in Livingston County. However, FERC denied Rover’s request for a blanket construction certificate to perform certain routine construction activities and operations.
In explaining their reason for denial, FERC stated Rover “could not be relied upon to comply with the environmental regulations required for all blanket certificate projects”. FERC supported its decision in light of an incident in which historic properties were damaged by Rover during construction. Rover requested a rehearing, but FERC upheld the denial last week, making the conclusion that Rover intended to circumvent the National Historic Preservation Act by choosing to demolish a historic building.
Additionally, FERC says pipeline companies have an “ongoing obligation to supplement certificate applications with relevant information and provide documentation of consultations with the State Historic Preservation Office”, but stated that Rover did neither. An official copy of FERC’s letter denying the rehearing can be viewed at the attachment below.