Additions Coming To Hartland Township Retirement Facility
January 14, 2018

A retirement facility built in Hartland Township almost ten years ago will be receiving an addition.
Located on Highland Road and west of the old Hartland High School building, Village Manor Retirement as it stands was constructed in 2008. The project’s original plans were approved in two phases, with the first being the main building containing 116 residential units. The second phase called for an addition to the north side of the building with 10 units on each side. However the second phase never came to fruition.
Josh Stein, Co-Owner of Village Manor Retirement, says the facility has been fully occupied for many years and Township Planner Troy Langer believes demand is strong, as owners are looking to finally move forward with phase two of the project.
The township’s Planning Commission reviewed a request from Village Manor on Thursday, which sought site plan approval for phase two. The 10-unit additions are slightly larger than the original plans had shown, making each a total of approximately 10,500-square feet. Langer says the site is large enough for the additions, there is adequate parking, and the building would remain in compliance.
Village Manor's request was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission and does not require approval from the Board of Trustees, meaning developers can move forward with construction and engineering plans. Stein feels Village Manor has a good reputation and relationship with the community, and that their support has helped make the facility extremely successful. (DK)