Voters in Howell Township will be asked to renew a road millage rate in August.

The township was previously authorized to increase the 15-mill tax limitation imposed on ad valorem taxes by 1.0 mill. The increase was intended to provide funds for road maintenance and improvement, however the millage is set to expire this December.

The township’s Board of Trustees discussed at their meeting Monday a proposal requesting the renewal of the .9345 mill millage rate, which would expire in 2022. The Board unanimously voted to approve the Road Millage Renewal Resolution, which states “…the Township has determined that the requested millage for the road maintenance and improvement is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare” of the municipality’s residents.

The resolution and ballot language will next be submitted to the County Clerk so the millage proposition may be included on the August 7th election ballot. (DK)