Changes To Shared Driveways And Private Roads Discussed In Putnam Township
May 10, 2018
Changes to the shared driveway and private roads ordinance were discussed by the Putnam Township Planning Commission.
Commissioners reviewed language to the amendment sent to them by the township attorney, Wednesday night. One of the changes to the ordinance discussed was that if a land owner wants to split their land, they will require them to put in a road allowing access to all the new lots. As an example, at last month’s meeting of the Board of Trustees, a property owner was present who bought 30 acres behind 2 other lots and has no access to the property. A private road is needed to get back there, but the other owners are unwilling to help pay for it. Under the amended ordinance, when the 30 acres was originally split, a road would have had to have been put in before building permits would be issued, protecting the buyer.
The Planning Commission also debated the necessity of limiting shared driveway distance to 600 feet before it would need to become a private road. Some thought that number seemed arbitrary and wondered why the township would care in the case of a driveway 2 people were sharing.
It was decided to consult with emergency services and the Fire Marshal to get their opinion before moving forward with changes there. The redrafted amended ordinance is expected to be back before Commissioners at June’s meeting. (MK)