Applicants Sought For Citizen's Academy
October 2, 2018

The Livingston County Sheriff’s Office is seeking applicants for a Citizens Academy.
The Citizen’s Police Academy is an informational overview designed to provide citizens a better understanding of the duties of a Deputy and the services offered by the Sheriff’s Office. The academy will be an ongoing program limited to the first 20 eligible participants, ages 18 and up.
Classes are held once a week for 12 weeks, on Thursday from 6-8pm beginning Thursday, November 1, 2018. The November 8 class will take place on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at the Fowlerville Proving Grounds. This class will include a four-hour emergency vehicle operation exercise. The Citizens Police Academy will conclude with a graduation ceremony on Thursday, February 7, 2019. There will be a break during the holidays. Classes will consist of scenario based applications, a Jail tour, Special Units, Crime Scene investigations, Accident investigations, and more.
For additional information please contact Deputy Ray Marino via email at or call the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office at 517-546-2440 extension 4351. An
application is attached. (JM)