Local Companies Open Doors To Students Interested In Manufacturing Careers
October 2, 2018

Livingston County manufactures and high schools will join forces Thursday during Manufacturing Day, a nationwide effort to expand knowledge of manufacturing career opportunities.
For the first time, 12 Livingston County manufacturing companies will open their doors to more than 300 students from Brighton, Fowlerville, Hartland, Howell, Pinckney, Whitmore Lake, FlexTech, Innovation Academy, and Kensington Woods high schools.
Spearheading the effort is Ann Arbor SPARK and the Economic Development Council of Livingston County along with several Livingston-area education and manufacturing organizations. Phil Santer, senior vice president of Ann Arbor SPARK, said that with the “wealth” of local manufacturing companies hiring, it will be the, “perfect opportunity for high school students to explore what a skilled trades career offers.”
Planned activities include guided tours of facilities and Mott Community College to learn more about the post-secondary opportunities for students who may pursue a career in the manufacturing industry. Student groups will tour three participating employers where they will have an opportunity to learn more about the company. (JK)