Session Will Discuss November 6th Ballot Issues
October 5, 2018

Several issues set to appear on the November 6th ballot will be the focus of an event next week in Howell.
The Brighton/Howell Unit of the League of Women Voters will be hosting a free public event titled "What's On Your Ballot? The Pro's and Cons of the 2018 State Ballot Proposals" Guest speakers will go over the three statewide proposals that will be on the ballot. They include Proposal 1: the Marijuana Legalization Initiative, which would legalize the personal use of marijuana; Proposal 2: the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Initiative would transfer the responsibility of re-drawing legislative districts from the partisan legislature to a non-partisan citizen’s commission, while Proposal 3: the Promote the Vote Initiative, would amend the constitution to implement a variety of voting related reforms including no-reason absentee voting, straight party voting and requiring audits for election results.
The meeting will take place Tuesday, October 9th from 6 to 8pm at the Howell Carnegie District Library in the Meabon Room. You’ll find details below. (JK)