Governor Snyder Appoints Local Residents To Arts Council
October 8, 2018

Two local residents have been newly named to serve on the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.
Governor Rick Snyder announced the appointments of Debbie Mikula of Howell and Tyler Rossmaessler of Fenton to the council. Xavier Verna of Bear Lake and Rick Treur of Grand Rapids were also appointed, along with the re-appointment of Omari Rush of Ann Arbor, who will serve as chair. The 15-member council is housed within the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and helps create an environment of artistic, creative and cultural activity to support Michigan's quality of life and economic vitality. Governor Snyder thanked the individuals for their willingness to serve, adding they all have a strong passion for maintaining and promoting the arts in Michigan.
Mikula is the executive director for the Arts Council of Greater Lansing, where she guides and leads a three-county arts service organization with a mission to support, strengthen and promote arts, culture and creativity. Rossmaessler is the director of Economic Development at the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. He previously served as business development manager for Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Mikula and Rossmaessler will serve three-year terms expiring September 1st, 2021. Their appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. (JM)