Statewide Labor Dispute Could Delay Paving in Brighton's 2nd St. Project
October 6, 2018

A problem which could affect the $2 million Second St. project in Brighton has the potential of delaying the paving portion until next spring. City DPW Director Marcel Goch told the City Council Thursday night that a lockout by construction engineers, which has caused major delays in major construction projects across the state, may also have an impact on local road projects, such as Second St. in Brighton.
Due to a resolution reached last week involving the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association, and Operating Engineers Local 324, the heavy equipment operators have gone back to work while the two sides meet to mediate their dispute. Although the equipment is now rolling, wet weather is hampering attempts to finish about 160 road projects before the end of the 2018 construction season.
Goch said the sub-contractor, Cadillac Asphalt Co., is now behind in supplying the asphalt for paving projects around the state and there is an outside chance they won’t be able to fill the Brighton order before winter. However, Goch says that if that happens, the city’s paving contractor should be able to at least “get a base down,” so that the street can be opened to through traffic.
The project includes complete reconstruction of the street from First St. to Cross St., replacement of water and sewer lines with new, higher-capacity lines, new curb and gutter and new, wider sidewalks. Replacement of the water and sewer utilities, at a cost of $1.26 million, will be covered by the city’s utility reserve fund. That’s a self-sustaining fund paid for via customers’ sewer and water rate charges and connection fees. The Downtown Development Authority is paying the $930,000 cost of the street and sidewalk work.
City officials say the Second St. project, which got underway in June, is needed because of the poor condition of the street, aging and inadequate sewer and water lines and two construction projects. These are the already-approved Second Street Flats condominiums and a proposed $35 million, 200-unit luxury townhouse development between Second St. and the Mill Pond. (TT)