Power Issues Plague City Of Wixom
October 11, 2018

DTE Energy is working to improve power reliability in the City of Wixom after numerous complaints.
There have been ongoing power reliability issues in areas of Wixom. Feedback from residents and businesses resulted in DTE Energy issuing a letter outlining steps to improve infrastructure. It states the company is aware of concerns expressed about power quality in parts of the community, adding the level of service received has been unacceptable and does not come close to meeting the high standards DTE holds for itself. DTE has implemented several corrective measures in the area north of Maple Road, south of Proud Lake Campground, east of Charms and west of Benstein.
Measures include tree trimming where line interference has occurred or is expected to cause ongoing issues, as well as replacing and upgrading overhead equipment and installing multiple animal guards. DTE says it is also leveraging new drone technology to survey overhead equipment with a special video camera to determine if additional trimming and equipment upgrades are necessary. The City of Wixom advises that certain residents recently had their power transferred to the circuit near the Wixom Pole Yard by DTE while maintenance and improvement work was done on the original circuit.
DTE now plans to restore service for those residents to the original circuit on Friday. The City says the return to the original circuit will result in a temporary power outage and residents should consider taking steps to protect their appliances and other equipment as appropriate. The City further advises that a team of DTE employees will conduct a postcard “door knock” today and employees will be happy to answer questions from residents they interact with in person. The postcard to be provided will have a special number for residents to use to contact an informed team of DTE engineers, working on problems affecting service in the area. The “door knock” will cover the area west of Wixom Road and north of W. Maple Road, to the City limit plus residences north of W. Maple Road between Wixom and Beck Roads.
The City of Wixom has been updating the public via it’s Facebook page. That link is provided and the letter from DTE is attached. (JM)