Public Hearing Scheduled For County Master Plan
October 13, 2018

The Livingston County Planning Department is asking residents for input on the new Master Plan. A public hearing has been scheduled for citizens to give official comment on the proposed Master Plan, which will serve as a guide for land use development throughout the county. The Planning Department has been working on this new plan, which will be online and interactive, since early 2017. The county is currently working off of the Master Plan from 2003.
One central focus of the new plan is a highlighting of “Best Practices.” This approach allows municipalities within the Livingston County to learn what others are doing successfully and how those tactics can be applied back home. The public hearing will take place before the County Planning Commission’s regular meeting, this coming Wednesday, at 6:30pm. It will take place at the Livingston County Administration Building on East Grand River, in downtown Howell.
A copy of the plan can be found at the County Planning Department, or online at (MK)