Trash Collection Transition Underway in Genoa Township
October 16, 2018

Genoa Township residents will soon be receiving new refuse and recycling carts as the municipality begins the transition from Green For Life (GFL) to Advanced Disposal for trash collection services.
The township decided to switch companies after receiving numerous complaints from residents about trash continually not being picked up in certain areas. Township Manager Michael Archinal says he is confident Advanced Disposal will provide improved services, adding that the new system is safer and more efficient. Advanced Disposal will begin refuse collection services the week of October 29th and recycling services the week of November 5th.
Advanced Disposal will be collecting recyclables every other week. At the township’s Board of Trustees meeting Monday, it was noted that the township has received a lot of correspondence from residents, much of which has been in regards to the every-other-week recyclables collection. To help residents stay on track, Archinal says a schedule will soon be posted on the township and Advanced Disposal’s websites. Residents will also be able to check Advanced Disposal’s soon-to-come smartphone app, which will send notifications and schedule reminders.
Archinal says residents will soon be receiving a 96-gallon refuse cart and a 64-gallon recycling cart, though notes he does expect a two-week transition period so residents may not receive them until next week. Residents should expect to receive them on what will be their new collection day. Archinal asks for residents’ patience while the township and Advanced Disposal are working to accommodate everyone’s needs.
The township’s current contract with GFL will end the week of October 22nd, so any residents that are renting a cart should leave those out after their trash is collected that week. There are approximately 800 residents whose trash pick-up day will change, which Archinal says is mostly for safety reasons.
Flyers have been mailed out, or residents can visit for additional informational. A link is posted below. (DK)