Michigan Community Service Commission In Midst Of Volunteer Tour
October 24, 2018

Livingston County residents and others across Southeast Michigan are invited to attend a listening tour event hosted by the state’s lead agency on volunteerism.
The Michigan Community Service Commission will visit Ann Arbor as part of its Volunteer Michigan Tour, visiting each region in the state to explore ways to expand service and volunteerism in communities across Michigan. The Commission will host two events from 9 to 11am and 2 to 4pm Thursday, October 25th at The United Way of Washtenaw County, located at 2305 Platt Road. Community leaders and residents from Washtenaw, Livingston, Jackson, Hillsdale, Lenawee and Monroe counties are invited to attend.
The listening tour will allow individuals to share thoughts on how to expand service and volunteerism to address the state’s most pressing issues and learn about resources available. Participants will discuss community challenges and ways to improve the quality of life for residents. The input gathered from the tour will help shape the future of Michigan volunteerism and national service as participants will generate ideas to include in a new State Service Plan. Michigan Community Service Commission Executive Director Ginna Holmes says they want to hear from a diverse group of community leaders to see how service and volunteerism can address Michigan’s toughest challenges.
Register for the event:
9 to 11am: https://2018-volunteer-michigan-tour-annarbor-morning.eventbrite.com
2 to 4pm: https://2018-volunteer-michigan-tour-annarbor-afternoon.eventbrite.com.
A link to more information and tour dates is provided. (JM)