Howell Students Prepare For Life After Graduation
October 25, 2018

Students at one local high school are taking part in a statewide program to help prepare them for their secondary education.
October is Michigan College Month and students at Howell High School are participating in events promoting a variety of post-secondary education options. All Highlander seniors this year are receiving several resources to help prepare them for attending higher and alternate learning institutions after high school. School staff and volunteers are also available to help seniors complete applications, whether they are for college, technical, or trade programs. Michigan College Month is part of a larger, national initiative which aims to encourage every high school senior to submit at least one college application and complete the Free Application for Student Aid, or FAFSA, by the end of the month.
October is just the first of 3 event-filled months for Howell High School students promoting a college-going culture. Students will also have a chance to take part in the College Cash Campaign which focuses on financial aid and scholarships; and a Decision Day Assembly in the spring which celebrates the decisions graduating seniors have made. (MK)