Donation Will Assist Local Foster Families
October 30, 2018
Local foster families will benefit from a donation to a nonprofit organization.
Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC) recently received a donation of $5,500 donated by the Livingston County Sarah Regan division of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (LAOH). Each year the division hosts an annual Charity Golf Outing at Chemung Hills in Howell and the funds raised support local community charities.
For the fourth year in a row, LAOH members have chosen LCCC Foster Care and Adoption programs as the recipients of their generous funding. Mark Robinson, Executive Director of LCCC, attended their October meeting to accept the check from representatives of the LAOH and personally thank them for their generosity.
LCCC will use the funds to grow their Foster Family Care special needs fund. This fund provides assistance to the children in foster care, the foster families and birth families. The children are placed into foster care due to neglect or abuse and often do not have basic necessities including coats, hygiene items and appropriate shoes or boots. Additionally, the fund assists with the purchase of items such as a bed and bedding to the foster home if needed; car seats; gas cards for both foster families and birth families to assist with travel for visitation visits and medical appointments; and other extraordinary needs.
LCCC officials say they don’t ever want minor needs to delay or hamper the placement of a child or possible reunification and these funds will help avoid that. (JK)