LESA Gets Gold Star On Yearly Audit
October 31, 2018

It’s straight A’s for one local school district and their annual audit. The Livingston Educational Service Agency’s Board of Education has received an unqualified, “clean,” opinion on their annual financial audit. An unqualified opinion is the highest an entity can receive. The audit was performed by Maner Costerisan, Certified Public Accountants. During the process, the auditing firm examines LESAs financial records, documents, and internal accounting systems to verify that all transactions have been recorded properly and done in line with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
The Audit Manager presented the audit which showed a General Fund variance of .3% on a $17-million budget and a Special Education variance of .06% on a $43-million budget to the LESA Board of Education earlier this month. The Agency, along with the financial staff in particular, was commended for their care, diligence, and preparation for the audit. (MK)