Empty Bowl Project to Raise Awareness About Food Insecurity
October 31, 2018

An event this weekend will help raise awareness of food insecurity suffered by area children, families and seniors.
The Empty Bowl Project is a faction of the Community Sharing Outreach Center, which aids families in need in the Huron Valley School District. The Empty Bowl Project’s main event will take place this Sunday, November 4th, from 12 to 3pm at Bakers of Milford. The event will feature tastings of various soups made by community members, entertainment and a silent auction to support a common cause - eliminating empty bowls.
Coordinators Denise and Lyle Tyler say the Empty Bowl Project began approximately three years ago with an art teacher in Farmington who made decorative pottery bowls that were used as serving dishes at events raising funds to fight hunger. After the event, guests were left with an empty bowl as a reminder of the many people who go hungry every day. Denise says the idea of a simple meal of soup, bread and water is a way to humbly simulate the situation of the many families who are food insecure and rely on a simple meal as their main food source.
Guests with bowls that have been painted specifically for the project can use those bowls as an entrance ticket. A wide selection of painted bowls, many of which have been painted by local artists, will also be available at the door for a donation.
More information about the event and the Empty Bowl Project can be found at the link below. (DK)