Pinckney Village Looks To Annex Water Treatment Parcel
November 30, 2018
The Pinckney Village Council is looking to annex the parcel of land where its water treatment plant is located.
Council earlier approved a resolution to petition for ownership and control of the property, which is located in Putnam Township. The vote was unanimous. Annexation allows property to become part of a neighboring city or village. The property must be contiguous to the existing city or village boundary lines to qualify for annexation, which the parcel does. Pinckney Village Council President Linda Lavey says it’s where pumps bring freshwater out of the ground and then the treatment plant. She tells WHMI they actually own the property but it’s technically not in the Village so Council is looking at expanding the Village limits to include the property they already own. Lavey says they’ve been thinking about it for years and the parcel is around 400 feet by 600 feet but has a pump house in the middle of it. She noted the parcel is tax exempt, so there’s really no controversy.
The annexation process is continuing and must proceed through Putnam Township and the Livingston County Board of Commissioners before anything can be finalized. (JM)