An annual fundraiser that brings local high school students and the community together as they rally to support deserving non-profits has far exceeded expectations.

Following a week of fundraising, reward and immunity challenges, and 17 students living at school for a week, Howell High School's annual Senior Survivor fundraiser came to a close today. The district says students raised an incredible $135,907.94 - surpassing their goal of $100,000. The money raised will be shared between two non-profit organizations, North Star Reach and Julianna's Wishes. North Star Reach is a medically-supported camp that serves kids with chronic and life-threatening health challenges and their family members. Julianna's Wishes is a charity formed in honor of Julianna Ward-Brown, a member of the Class of 2019 who passed away in a car accident last year. Of the money raised, $36,907 will go to Julianna's Wishes to fund scholarships in honor of Julianna Ward-Brown and $100,000 will go to North Star Reach, which will send about 40 kids to the summer camp.

Senior Survivor began Sunday, April 28th when 17 seniors moved into the school with the goal of remaining in the competition until Friday. The students collected donations during the day and competed in immunity and reward challenges at night. Some challenges included completing an obstacle course driving a police car and a game of human Hungry Hungry Hippos. At the end of each school day, the Senior Survivor contestants who raised the least amount of money that day were eliminated. The winner of this year's Senior Survivor was Chloe Chandler. To date, Senior Survivor has raised more than $485,900 for various charities.

Howell High School Principal Jason Schrock said "I am speechless at the amount our students have raised for these two organizations. I know that this money will be put to good use by both North Star Reach and Julianna's Wishes". He added that Senior Survivor is such a wonderful event that truly brings students and the community together as they rally to support deserving non-profits. North Star Reach Founder & CEO Doug Armstrong says they are tremendously grateful to seniors and the community for choosing North Star Reach as their “Senior Survivor” charity. He says the incredibly generous financial support will make a significant contribution toward supporting their efforts to positively impact the lives of children and their families facing serious health challenges.

This year's Howell High School Senior Survivors were Chloe Chandler (Team Chlochan), Lexi Garbacik (Team Bacik), Madelyn Gillett (Team Mad Money), Matt Hornyak (Team Matty Freeze), Dawson Kling (Team Kling-kong), Sarah Laughner (Team S'laughter), Isaak Miller (Team Money Mill), Ben Masters (Team Chicken Master), Shane Morrison (Team Sh' merica), Kallan Packard (Team Pack-attack), Seth and Sydney Ramonaitis (Team Ramo), Grace Snell (Team Snail), Darko Stavrev (Team D.N.A.), Liam Timmerman (Team Timmerdation), Paige Van Gordon (Team Rage Paige), and Jenna Wincher (Team J-win). Each Senior Survivor was supported by a fifth grade Junior Survivor at one of the district's elementary schools. The Junior Survivors supported their senior partners by leading a coin drive in their schools. The Junior Survivors raised almost $9,000 to support the fundraising efforts of the seniors.

About North Star Reach
Located on 105 scenic acres of rolling hills and waterfront in Pinckney, North Star Reach is a medically-supported camp that serves kids with chronic and life-threatening health challenges and their family members, all at no charge to them. North Star Reach's state-of-the-art health center is staffed by medical professionals from leading hospitals and medical centers throughout the Great Lakes region. North Star Reach is also a member of the prestigious SeriousFun Children's Network (SFCN). Founded by legendary actor and philanthropist Paul Newman in 1988, SFCN is now a global network of 30 camps and programs for children with special medical needs. As a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, North Star Reach is independently managed and funded and depends on private donations to serve every camper free of charge. Camp can accommodate approximately 1,500 children and family members annually. Learn more

About Julianna’s Wishes
Founded in memory of Julianna Ward-Brown, Julianna’s Wishes supports children and families in need, supports local non-profits, school organizations and sports teams. Julianna’s Wishes also provides scholarships to graduating seniors. To learn more, please visit (JM)