Hamburg Township residents interested in subdivision road improvements are being encouraged to attend informational meetings hosted by municipality officials.

Township leaders will discuss the process for establishing a road improvement Special Assessment District (SAD) in subdivisions on July 29th at 4:30 and 7pm, and August 5th at 4:30 and 7pm. Hamburg Township has several subdivisions built prior to 1995 that are served by public/county roads. Subdivisions built after 1995 have private roads funded by residents in the subdivision.

Township Supervisor Pat Hohl feels “it is eminently clear that the State of Michigan does not intend to maintain the public roads”, adding that municipality officials have been repeatedly told by representatives in Lansing and the Livingston County Road Commission that there are no funds available to maintain local public roads. The current voter-approved 1 mill road assessment in Hamburg Township is being used to resurface primary local roads and has been used to fund repairs to Hamburg, Kress, Cordley, Rush Lake, Hall, Chilson, and Swarthout roads.

Hohl says to aid local subdivisions, the Hamburg Township Board has approved paying for all administrative and bonding costs necessary to establish resident-initiated SADs to resurface their local public subdivision roads. The Road Commission will pay for all design, drainage and construction oversight associated with the SADs. Hohl does note that the offers to assist with funding will not be repeated in the near future, and that SADs must be established by April 1st, 2020.

He encourages any residents living in subdivisions with county roads that are interested in understanding the processes necessary to establish a SAD to attend one of the informational meetings or contact him at, or at 810-222-1116.