Rickett Road To Close In August For Utility Repairs
July 19, 2019

A portion of a busy road in the City of Brighton will be shut down next month in conjunction with a construction project.
The City’s contractor will be performing a utility repair on Rickett Road between the railroad tracks and Grand River in mid‐August. Work will consist of replacing the sanitary sewer main, removal and replacement of curbing, sidewalks, and driveway approaches as well as a repaving of the roadway. The City says the project is much needed maintenance to infrastructure and the work will require a full road closure of both north and southbound Rickett Road in the area. The closure is anticipated to last until the beginning of October. Access will be available to all businesses, their customers and employees, and all residents. The City asks that motorists follow all detour and construction signage for safety.
Updates will be posted on the City of Brighton’s website and Facebook Page. (JM)