SEMCOG Releases Insight From Economic Development Study
July 29, 2019

A recent study by the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), reveals insight on residents’ opinions on the region’s economy.
SEMCOG, an organization that aims to bring together the governments of 7 southeastern Michigan counties, including Livingston, to solve regional challenges and enhance quality of life, has released findings from their Pulse of the Region economic development survey. The survey was responded to by 578 residents of the region.
Key findings were that residents were slightly less optimistic about the current economy compared to a similar survey that was conducted in 2015. However they carried more a positive opinion this year on the diversity of the economy when considering jobs and businesses.
Respondents were asked about what they feel the region’s greatest assets were and three themes emerged. One was that people feel there is affordable space to build. They also see the automobile industry as a positive job generator. The third asset of note is the proximity to the Great Lakes and the many river systems that flow throughout the region. The biggest economic challenge being seen is the condition of infrastructure, being roads, water, and sewer.
When asked about which quality of life aspects were most important, respondents answered for desirable and affordable residential neighborhoods, quality schools, and access to diverse transportation options.
SEMCOG Executive Director Kathleen Lomako thanks those who participated in the survey, saying this will help them plan for the future economic success of southeast Michigan. (MK)