Statewide Kickoff Highlights Positive Impact On Local Needs
September 6, 2019
A statewide campaign kickoff is planned Monday highlighting the positive impact that the Livingston County United Way and others across Michigan in tackling local needs.
Known as the Unified Kickoff, the effort allows United Ways of all sizes to spotlight their local impact on a statewide stage. LCUW Director of Development and Marketing Terri Hillier says the time is now to get involved and the greatest help for the local community comes from everyday heroes. While the week-long kickoff is statewide, she SAYS funds raised locally will stay local. Hillier says their message during the week is about unleashing the hero within and educating the 75% of commuters that leave Livingston County for work every day to be sure they designate their United Way donation back to the county they live in. She says companies of all sizes can promote a positive workplace culture by offering their employees the opportunity to get involved in a United Way Campaign.
More information can be found through the provided link or by contacting Hillier at (JM)