House Approves Plan To Remove Veteran License Plate Fees
February 20, 2020
A local legislator’s plan to eliminate veteran license plate fees has been approved by the Michigan House of Representatives.
The House on Wednesday approved State Representative Hank Vaupel’s measure to eliminate the service fee for a Vietnam War specialty license plate. His plan is part of a bipartisan, multi-bill package removing the $5 service fee for various veteran and military license plates.
Vaupel, of Fowlerville, served during the Vietnam War as a captain in the Army. He says imposing a service fee for special military license plates is not the appropriate way to greet service members who have sacrificed so much to protect the nation and preserve the people’s freedoms. Vaupel adds that while a fee waiver for veteran and military license plates is a minimal token of gratitude, it goes a long way in showing military heroes that their state respects the contributions they have made while serving in the Armed Forces.
As required by state law, the Secretary of State provides for the issuance and creation of each license plate issued in Michigan. There are differentiating fee requirements for each license place issued, with veteran and military license plates having a $5 service fee. House Bill 4684, along with the rest of the bill package, now moves to the Senate for further consideration.