By Mike Kruzman /

Two candidates have filed to run as Democrats for positions on the Green Oak Township Board.

Former special education teacher Gayle Steele (top pic) has filed for the Democratic nomination for township supervisor. She said in a release that she is ready to give Green Oak Township residents a choice at the voting booth, as she prepares to be the first person to challenge incumbent Supervisor Mark St. Charles in over a decade. She says her goals include the “Green Oak Identity Project,” aimed at giving the township an identity centered on a community center and expansive system with a parks commission. She also proposed freezing salaries for the term of office, recording all meetings of the Board, Planning Commission, and ZBA, and using taxpayer funds for services benefiting residents.

Running for Township Trustee is Sarah Pearsall (bottom pic), who has served on the Planning Commission and ZBA for 14 years. Pearsall says she wants to make addressing the needs of a senior population her priority, along with increasing the walkability of the township and the availability of affordable senior housing.