Salvation Army Continuing To Meet Community Needs
March 26, 2020

By Mike Kruzman /
The Salvation Army of Livingston County is continuing to meet their call for meeting human needs through the coronavirus crisis.
Major Prezza Morrison said that this is the time of the year that they are usually gearing up for the Summer Lunch Bunch program. But in the midst of the outbreak, she says the local corps made the decision to go out into the community early with their Mobile Lunch Service Program. The Salvation Army’s emergency canteen began, last week, travelling around the county to different locations providing over 700 needed meals to families. Morrison says that while there are many agencies inviting people to come out and grab a pantry pack, the Salvation Army feels it’s important to go out to where the need is. She said, “Sometimes the children can’t get out- they can’t drive. Or the parents don’t drive. We want to make sure we’re out there with our canteen making sure anybody who can’t get out is able to be served in some way.”
New policies and procedures at the canteen have also been implemented to keep staff, volunteers, and the community safe. Social distancing practices are being maintained, along with gloves and masks, if requested, for volunteers.
Food pantry assistance has also been increased. Families can place an order over the phone and have it delivered to their vehicle. Last week alone, nearly 800 pounds of food were provided through the onsite pantry.
Major Morrison says they are seeing clientele they normally don’t see because of lay-offs and time off from work. She encourages people who might feel awkward asking for help to come out, because “we’re all in this together.” Morrison told WHMI, “People don’t need to feel uncomfortable, or some people will say, ‘I don’t need it as much as so-and-so needs it.’ Well, if you need it, you need to come out!”
As the situation continues, the Salvation Army is in need of donations, including personal protective equipment, food, and monetary donations to cover the costs of the Mobile Lunch program. For more information, including updated lists on their current needs, visit the Salvation Army of Livingston County’s Facebook page.