Sheriff Murphy Talks "Stay Home, Stay Safe" With AG Nessell
March 27, 2020

By Mike Kruzman /
Both the state Attorney General’s office and Livingston County Sheriff’s Office are working to help people understand what exactly Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Executive Order directing people to stay home means.
Monday’s executive order from the Governor calling for residents to “stay home and stay safe”, while also calling for all non-essential businesses to cease in-person operations left, to many, a lot up to interpretation. State Attorney General Dana Nessel took part in WHMI’s Covid-19 Radio Town Hall, Wednesday. She said her office has been slammed with resident complaints on the order coming through the wrong channels. Nessel’s office has set up a Consumer Protection Hotline for residents believing they are being scammed or price gouged, however scores of calls in regards to the executive order are overwhelming the system and crashing it. Still, Nessel says, they are working hard to answer everyone’s questions. The AG says she understands the confusion, and that they and the Governor’s office have a team of attorneys working to clear up the confusion. At a press conference Thursday, Whitmer said the order to stop gathering was a command, not a recommendation. She again ordered non-critical businesses to cease operations.
Nessel said there are several ways to properly reach out for an interpretation. Email her office at, or call (517)335-7858.
Locally, Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy says his Office has been fortunate so far, and has had small number of calls with regards to the order. As for potentially non-essential businesses staying open, he said there is a lot of grey area there. He said if they get a call, they may go out and make a determination, but the last thing they want to do is lock somebody up for operating a business that’s nonessential. On the residential side, one town hall participant said she has a relative who still likes go ride motorcycles, but to her, “stay home” means “stay home.” Murphy again pointed to the broad interpretation of the phrase, saying they’ve been given a ton of discretion. He said, though, he sees value in going for ride or a walk. While these things can have a positive impact on your mental health, Murphy reminds everyone to still wash their hands and follow the other directions from the Health Department. Murphy says he sees the silver lining in this as an opportunity to get reacquainted with your family, but noted people also need personal space along with the ability to blow off a little steam or anxiety.