By Mike Kruzman /

The Livingston County Board of Commissioners has approved a new COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.

The County’s plan was crafted in coordination, and with guidance, from the Livingston County Health Department in an effort to set forth standardized requirements and recommendations needed to ensure the safety of all county employees and the public. Health Department Director Diane McCormick and Director of Environmental Health Matt Bolang, joined Commissioners during their online Finance Committee meeting this morning to talk about the plan and answer any questions they might have. The response plan, which was consulted upon with department heads, shares strategies for virus mitigation through four controls, using OSHA and CDC guidelines.

One area of focus is the use of PPE and where and when it must be used. Any member of the public entering a county building will be required to wear a face covering, and could be asked to leave if they refuse. Commissioner Wes Nakagiri asked what this meant for people that might have a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a covering, and Bolang said they would be taken care of. If a member of the public has asthma, or another appropriate condition that would prevent them from wearing a mask, Bolang said they will make an appointment that could be something like a 1-on-1, an outdoors meeting, or a meeting in a side room where there is plenty of space.

The response plan lays out social distancing requirements for employees keeping space from each other and the public. Engineering strategies are laid out for cleaning and sanitizing the workplace, along with suggestions that could see Plexiglas installed as barriers. Finally, administrative controls include workplace communication and training, and requirements for health monitoring. Each department is being provided no-touch thermometers, but it is up to the employees to self-monitor themselves for symptoms. The plan was adopted by unanimous approval, with commissioners recognizing that it is a living document that will likely see changes as developments dictate.