By Jessica Mathews /

Small businesses, non-profits, farms and agricultural processors in Livingston County that have been hurt or impacted by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for grant funding through a new state program.

The state allocated funds into different programs that it received through the Federal CARES Act and $100 (m) million has been allocated toward the Small Business ReStart Program. It was created to help small job providers recover from the effects of the ongoing pandemic. Regional economic development organizations will distribute the funding. A portion must go to businesses owned by women, minorities or veterans. Online applications will go live this Wednesday.

Ann Arbor SPARK, which partners with the Economic Development Council of Livingston County, will be distributing the grant funds locally. Director of Business Development for Livingston County Marcia Gebarowski tells WHMI the only requirements are that a business must have 50 or fewer employees and demonstrate it has experienced a loss of income due to the COVID-19 emergency. She says they’ll need to verify that they have working capital needs to support eligible expenses, which are described as typical fixed costs and general expenses of running a business such as payroll, benefits, rent, utilities and inventory. The maximum grant award is $20,000. Gebarowski says the review of Livingston applicants will be done by a local review committee administered by SPARK so no one applying will be going up against a statewide pot of applicants for funding. Gebarowski says the program is a very unique opportunity for Livingston County businesses to seek relief from the shutdown and pandemic. She strongly encourages all small businesses to consider applying. Gebarowski says they’re trying many creative ways to continue to raise funds and find ways to continue supporting businesses and the $1.5 (m) million to support community businesses is going to be a huge deal.

Gebarowski says the new program is similar to the Small Business Relief Grant Program the state launched when the executive shut down orders were first put in place. If a business in Livingston County received a grant under that program back in March or April, then they would not be eligible for the ReStart grants. There were 33 local recipients said to have benefited from that program. The application for the new ReStart grants can be accessed online at The deadline to file is August 5th.

Meanwhile, Gebarowski will host a public webinar on Wednesday morning related to the Payroll Protection Program or PPP loan forgiveness to help educate business owners who have received funds and are wondering what comes next in the process. Funds are also still available through that program. The link to register is provided.