Renaissance Fair-Style Fundraiser To Benefit Mentor Livingston
September 23, 2020

By Jon King /
The coronavirus pandemic has forced one local nonprofit to rethink its fundraising model to accommodate the “new normal.”
When the COVID shutdown began in mid-March, Mentor Livingston was forced to cut short their Bowlapalooza fundraiser. Then as they thought about their annual fall auction, it became clear that many of the businesses they rely on for donations were themselves impacted by the shutdown. Out of that realization was born Diva’s Night Out, described as an all outdoor renaissance fair style fun-raiser on the Schell Family Farm in Pinckney this Saturday, September 26th from noon to 10:00pm. The program is reaching out to women who want to get out of the house for a while and have some fun. For a $30.00 ticket a person can enjoy 4 free lectures, take a chance on a 50/50 raffle and raffle gift baskets provided by Asahi Kasei, and take a walk through the corn maze. The evening’s entertainment includes Brighton band Midlife. With over 40 vendors attending, there is plenty of shopping to do along with food trucks and a cash bar to serve the event’s “Divas”. Genuine psychics will be there also to share their insights and you can experience the haunted Ghostly Grove, if you are brave enough.
Social distancing will still be required, along with masks. Sanitation stations will be placed within the event location to help ensure safety and compliance.
By providing a child their own mentor, Mentor Livingston helps him/her grow up to become a confident, competent, caring adult. Children need their mentor, especially during these unprecedented times. This event for adults supports the children Mentor Livingston serves.
Tickets can be bought on line by Clicking Here or by calling 517-546-1140.