Absentee Voter Ballots Mailed Out In City Of Howell
September 29, 2020

By Jessica Mathews / news@whmi.com
An election status report was delivered during Monday night’s Howell City Council meeting.
The City has been getting a lot of calls from residents about absentee and mail-in ballots, where to vote and other confusion about getting applications to vote. Clerk Jane Cartwright delivered a report and said the City is in good shape heading into the November General Election but there has been confusion among voters over what’s allowed and what’s not. Cartwright commented it’s the first big national election with a new Secretary of State and some of the voter confusion has been with a rebranding of language. Cartwright clarified there is not a new method of voting that was added – it is still called absentee ballots. She said people can mail ballots or pick them up in person. Cartwright said with the early voting term, people tend to think they’ll vote in a precinct situation but that’s not the case and not allowed in Michigan at this time.
Cartwright said over 2,200 ballots were mailed out Monday. She said some people have walked in wanting to spoil their ballot. Cartwright said she hopes that doesn’t continue because they have honored requests and mailed out ballots and people still have time to get them back in. It was noted the City saved more than $1,000 on bulk rates for mailing. Cartwright noted the Post Office has been working very hard and has done well for the City, adding it is really trying to dispel all of the talk of things being delayed. She says all election equipment is ready to go, noting the City has added an extra tabulator and accuracy testing went fine. Cartwright said they have enough staff to process ballots for their absentee counting board and also have people on standby if needed.
Cartwright's full memo to council can be viewed in the meeting packet. The link is provided.