Renovations Will Unite Sheriff's Office And Jail Lobbies
October 21, 2020
By Mike Kruzman /
Renovations at Livingston County Jail will help make the facility more efficient for staff and visitors.
Members from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office were present for the Public Safety and Infrastructure and Development Committee of the Livingston County Board of Commissioner’s online meeting, Monday. Last year, a plan was approved to make renovations to the Jail and Sheriff reception areas, but were delayed, at least in part, due to COVID. Christopher Folts told the committee in the time since, they have reworked the plan and will pay for it in 5 year increments.
The renovations include relocating modular filing cabinets, carpet replacement, and removing a wall to create a combined reception area with a customer service window serving both the Sheriff’s Office and the jail.
They have $1-million set aside for the project. The resolution at Monday’s meeting for the improvement and renovation project was approved by the committee for an amount not to exceed $100,856, with a 10% contingency built in. The resolution presented states that the project is in compliance with the procurement policy and vendors from previously approved competitive contracts have been chosen to do the work. Funds are available in the jail budget as part of the 2020 Capital Improvement funded projects.
The resolution will now go to the full Board of Commissioners for final approval at a future meeting.