By Mike Kruzman /

City of Brighton employees are making the rounds and checking recycling bins for contamination.

The City recently was awarded a grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) in collaboration with The Recycling Partnership to help improve the quality of residential curbside recycling. The goal of the program is to increase the quality of items recycled or decrease the amount of contamination.

Brighton residents should have received a card in the mail showing what is and is not permitted in the carts. For example, paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, glass, and plastic bottles are allowed. Plastic bags, however, will not be accepted, as neither will be wires, food and liquids, hazardous waste, medical waste, and foam.

On collection day, residents may see City employees performing audits of carts at the curb. Carts with found contaminants will be hit with an “Oops” tag that shows the violation. The cart will still be collected through two violations, but after that, it will be rejected for that week.

This program runs through June 30th.