By Jon King /

A local dinner theater has announced that it plans to finally reopen its doors after more than a year of a darkened stage.

Dio Theater co-founders Steve DeBruyne and Matthew Tomich announced over the weekend that they will reopen for a show in November, after successfully obtaining the performance rights to an unnamed production. They say an official show announcement will be coming soon, followed by audition information for actors.

They thanked the community and their supporters for getting them through the pandemic, saying because of their “incredible generosity” they were able to stay current on rent, monthly bills, and expenses. DeBruyne and Tomich say they were also able to use the downtime to make some updates, including repainting the entire main floor, refinishing their original wood floors and all tile floors, and renovating the guest restrooms with new ceilings, new lighting, and new hardware.

However, they say the biggest change for patrons will be the elimination of their dinner buffet, pointing out that for obvious reasons, “having nearly 100 people breathing on your fried chicken and sharing serving utensils is less than desirable.” So, instead of a buffet, the dinners will be plated in the kitchen, overseen by their “serve-safe certified, fully vaccinated staff” and then delivered to each table.

In addition, The Dio will follow any recommendations set forth by the Livingston County Health Department regarding Covid-19 safety at the time of their reopening. You’ll find additional details on The Dio’s Facebook page or at