By Jessica Mathews /

Green Oak Township and other communities across Livingston County are continuing to discuss how federal relief funds might best be used – although it seems most agree it’s a confusing process with little solid direction.

At a recent board meeting, Supervisor Mark St. Charles told WHMI he understands the CARES Act funding for Green Oak should be around $1.9 (m) million - which is pandemic-related relief. He said they’ll be able to use those to install sneeze guards at the township hall but are also looking at many other enhancements. St. Charles said the fire department has some real problems right now with their internet connection so looking at getting them set up with fiber, which is an allowable expense. He says they’re also working to identify other community needs and things at the township hall that the funds could be used for.

St. Charles said they understand they now may have to put video cameras on their election drop boxes at the town hall, which is an unfunded mandate from the state. That being said, he thinks the cameras and associated required lighting would also be recoverable under the CARES Act. St. Charles noted they’re also looking at updating the security system at the township hall.

There’s no time as to when the funds could be received. St. Charles commented that it would be nice if they had a list of eligible projects provided but that’s not how it works. He said everything is really up in the air and trying to get the information has been difficult – which is a frustration being echoed by many municipal officials.