By Mike Kruzman /

A public hearing was held for a proposed planned unit development in Tyrone Township that has many residents up in arms.

The Lake Urban PUD would be built across on 160 acres with access from Runyan Lake Road and White Lake Road. The area is heavy in wetlands with only 75 of the acres being buildable. Developers are requesting 89 single family condominiums, built over 2 phases. They submitted an updated parallel plan, as requested by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission, however the township’s planner was not present at Tuesday night’s meeting and had not submitted an updated review letter. Chairman Dan Stickel said the changes were relatively minor, and included adjusting the number of entrances on White Lake Road and amendments to the parallel plan.

Combined with also being down a couple members, the planning commission stated they would not make a decision on a recommendation for the preliminary site plan, but would still hold the public meeting.

Residents packed the meeting hall, unanimously opposed to the project. Two major concerns were repeatedly addressed. Several residents who live in the area complained that traffic is already too heavy and fast on White Lake and Runyan Lake roads, and that is before adding another 180 vehicles with would-be new homeowners. The other large concern was with the development’s runoff going eventually into Runyan Lake. Along with residents at the meeting, a letter from the Runyan Lakes Inc. lakes association, representing 240 homes, strongly opposed the development for the runoff concerns, inadequate setbacks on Denton Creek, and a feeling that they were overdeveloping and exploiting natural features. Other worries expressed were about added light pollution and the effect on property values.

The preliminary site plan request will come back to the planning commission at a later date with the planner’s review letter for further consideration.