By Jessica Mathews /

A benefit dinner has been organized next month for a well-known Howell firefighter who was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

After receiving his diagnosis and beginning treatments, Steve Moor has had to take a leave of absence. He and his family are now facing mounting medical costs on his road through treatment and recovery. Moor is undergoing aggressive chemotherapy that will be followed by a surgical procedure. He’s been a firefighter in the county for 44 years, starting out in Brighton and later moving to Howell. The upcoming benefit aims to celebrate his continued success with treatment and to support his family during the upcoming holiday season and beyond during this difficult time.

Deputy Howell Fire Chief Brian Anderson told WHMI Moor took a leave absence last month and the end of January or February is the timeline they’re projecting he could be able to return to work if all goes well. He said Moor has gone through his 2nd or 3rd chemo treatment and is doing exceptionally well.

Anderson said Moor’s been in close contact with many members of the fire department as well as other friends and colleagues and his spirits are extremely high - adding Moor is 110% dedicated to beating this and has that positive of an attitude, which is absolutely fantastic.

Anderson said Moor is a great guy who has been committed to his community for all of his professional life in the fire service and unfortunately, it’s time to give back and they encourage people to come out and support a great cause. He noted they were approached by the Nozzelmen Motorcycle Club of Michigan Chapter 2, of which Moor is a member, about co-hosting the dinner. For those who can’t attend but would like to donate, he says people can make donations payable to the non-profit club and send them to the Howell Fire Department and they’ll make sure everything advances to Moor.

The benefit will be held on November 6th at the Howell Area Fire Department Station #20 located at 1211 West Grand River. It will feature a spaghetti dinner with sides for $10 a plate at the door. An event flyer is attached.