By Mike Kruzman /

A local township is bringing long-needed reconstruction to its town hall parking lot.

The Marion Township Board of Trustees has been considering improvements to the parking lot, and at their most recent meeting, awarded a contract. Senior Project Manager for the Spicer Group, Phil Westmoreland, presented the bids and gave a recommendation. His recommendation was for Rieth-Riley Construction, of which Westmoreland said would bring a lot of local experience to the project. Reith-Riley has done a lot of work and paving for the county. Westmoreland said they have paved tons of roads, are familiar with the area, and believe they can get it done this year.

Rieth-Riley was the low bidder out of 4, at a price of $186,921. They were the low bidder by about $10,500. The high bid, according to a September 30th memo from Westmoreland to Township Supervisor Bob Hanvey was $27,000 higher. Rieth-Riley indicated they could get the project done by November 30th. Trustee Dan Lowe expressed some trepidation with beginning the project so late in the calendar year and how the weather can be unpredictable. Westmoreland said that once started, the project shouldn’t take long to complete, but that they won’t do it this year I it can’t be done right. He said he will talk with the contractor about how if it is needed, could prices be held, or what an increase for putting it off until next year would look like.

The Board of Trustees unanimously approved a motion to award the contract to Rieth-Riley with the understanding that Westmoreland makes the decision that it is not too late to pave when they are ready to begin.