By Jon King /

A baseball game this past weekend gave local kids a chance to play who might otherwise only get to watch from the bleachers.

A Peer Buddy Baseball Club called “Field of Dreams” hit the diamond at Cleary University’s Lake Trust Stadium on Sunday for a game that included children with disabilities or other circumstances that have prevented them from playing an organized sport.

The team was started by Alec Johnson and several friends from Fowlerville while they were in junior high school. Now a Junior at Adrian College, Johnson is still passionate about the program, which he was inspired to create for his brother who has autism and a rare disorder called FG Syndrome.

The Cleary Baseball Team attended Sunday’s game and played alongside the Field of Dream players, who were announced onto the field by disc jockey Ron Johnson. At the end of the event, they were also awarded trophies.

The game was sponsored locally by Steve Gronow of Chestnut Home Builders & Real Estate and Brideau Apparel.

Top photo - Coach Julia Johnson and Emma Bojanowski
Middle Photo - Coach & Founder Alec Johnson, Coach Wyatt Daniel & Nicholas Johnson
Bottom photo - Field of Dreams Club, Livingston County Special Ministries & Cleary Baseball Team